Expert IELTS tutoring & consultancy

About me
Hi, I’m Nick.
I’ve been teaching English for 20 years, working all over the world in Colombia, Morocco, Italy, Poland, and Sri Lanka. My work has mostly been for the British Council and International House, but also for The University of Sheffield, Middlesex University, and other top institutions.
IELTS can be a life-changing test - a way to help you get a place at university, get a new job, or move to a new country. I know how important it is and I love seeing people achieve these goals. As a former IELTS speaking examiner, I know the test well, and can give you the right information on how to prepare effectively. I’ve helped hundreds of people achieve their IELTS goals and I’d like to help you too.
Other info…
CELTA & DELTA qualified
BA French Studies, MA Applied Linguistics
Former speaking examiner for IELTS, PET & KET
CELTA teacher trainer
Get in touch to find out more about what I do. I’m looking forward to working with you!
Online 1:1 tutoring
The ideal choice if you’re studying for the IELTS test. I’ll work with you to identify your strengths and areas for development. Together, we’ll build your exam skills, as well as your language in order to make sure you’re ready for the test.
All schools want to give their students the best chance of continuing academic success. I work with both students and teachers to better understand the test, and to achieve scores that open doors to top universities worldwide.
1:1 tutoring
Getting the score you need on the IELTS test takes two things…
Exam skills
In order to get a good score, it’s essential to know how the test works in terms of structure and timing. I’ll also help you to develop strategies to recognise and respond to different question types.
Building good grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation are the foundation of a good test score. I’ll help you to identify your strengths and work on your areas for development.
school consultancy
giving your students the best chance of ielts success
I create bespoke workshops and training programmes for schools. This includes running workshops for students to help them better understand the test and how IELTS can be an important part of their academic journey.
I also run teacher training sessions which help familiarise teachers with the test, giving them the knowledge and skills to help their students achieve their potential.